Contact us
Comprehensive information and advice for the travel trade and the media in the Arabic countries is available from Austria Tourism in Dubai.
In 2007 Austria Tourism opened its first branch office in the Middle East, in Dubai. The office is in charge of marketing activities in the Arabic countries.
The range of activities include above-the-line advertising for tourism country Austria, media cooperation, the production of a bilingual brochure in Arabic and English, the organization of fairs and sales platforms as well as cooperation with local tour operators, travel agents and trainings for the travel agency.
The heart of Austria Tourism's guest information, besides Austria Tourism's Information Center is the Internet portal Austria’s largest tourism platform on the Internet provides potential guests with ample information and attractions from all over Austria and is available in Arabic.
For further information please contact:

Michael Tauschmann
Head of Market
Tel. | +971 50 818 727 | |